How Airloom Helps You Weather the Seasons
Have you ever taken in the charm of a Japanese Cherry tree? It is a mindful reminder of how you can embrace every season of your life with grace and beauty.
The Japanese Cherry springs from winter with beautiful pink blossoms called sakura. Cherry blossoms symbolize birth and death, beauty and violence. These flowers are short lived as the tree’s verdant canopy envelopes its branches providing ample shade from the summer sun. Autumn turns its leaves a fiery red as it makes a defiant last stand before being laid bare to the cold dark months ahead. Then this rhythm of life repeats.
Nature can be breathtaking.
Just ask your lungs. They are served by a similar structure called the bronchial tree.
Life-sustaining oxygen circulates past your delicate sinus membrane and into your trachea or windpipe, the inverted trunk that delivers air to your lungs through its branching system of bronchi and bronchioles.
A healthy respiratory system is like a healthy Japanese Cherry tree. It will weather any season without undue stress on you and your body. Your breath flows when your immune system is in balance, or violent when histamine levels spike.
Histamines are your body’s natural reaction to airborne irritants. But sometimes your body over-reacts creating too much histamine. You can be enjoying the splendor of that cherry tree while your bronchial tree revolts.
There are plenty of over-the-counter and prescription medications to combat seasonal symptoms through chemistry and its side effects. Or you can find natural ways to co-exist with your environment.
Airloom is the conscious person’s all-natural pharma-free dietary supplement that supports your seasonal wellness. It blossoms with goodness in a proprietary formula that includes:
- Grape seed extract
- Quercetin
- Bromelain
- Butterbur root extract
- Turmeric
There is mounting evidence from a variety of peer-reviewed studies from around the globe that show the ingredients in Airloom work to support a unique aspect of normal respiratory and immune system function.
Quercetin, for example, is found in apple peels, tomatoes, cherries, kale, green tea, black tea, onions and other foods. Quercetin supports a healthy histamine response and also contains special OPCs that alleviate immune distress and the inflammatory downward-spiral caused by airborne irritants such as pollen.
The organic grape seed extract in Airloom contains high concentrations of flavonoids called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs for short) with amazing anti-inflammatory properties that support a healthy histamine response to allergens.
Bromelain is found in pineapple. It is an enzyme with anti-inflammatory qualities and an OPC that’s known to relieve congestion. Ever feel that springtime stuffiness?
Butterbur is a member of the sunflower family and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, and has been shown to promote a healthy immune response to seasonal irritants.
Turmeric has special therapeutic powers that come from a compound called curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory qualities. Curcumin is also known for its potential to support healthy brain function — just the thing for that springtime funk caused by seasonal irritants.
Now you can take in a canopy of nature’s remedies that promote a resilient respiratory and immune system to help you inhale a healthy dose of life.